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  THE ORIENT PHILOSOPHY It is very likely that you who are reading this will not cross into the next century. This sentence maybe processed in any manner of ways by different people; many will process it with shock and a few others with stoic indifference depending of course on the personalities, situation, age, state of health, occupation, culture, and gender and so on.  Strictly speaking though, the presented information should not matter much, because the journey is the destination after all. But then hope springs eternal. A recent scientific journal points out that the person who is likely to live well into the next century and depart aged at about 150 years is already born and up and about. It is also likely that this person may have been born in the orient and is presently being schooled in the oriental way of thinking and living. Why the orient?  There are many varieties of Eastern thought: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism among others. Their common attribute i
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I, a journalist, was privileged to have a one-on-one session with the official national hangman of a country in the southern parts of Africa. The government in question has a long British colonial history and has been appearing in the international press for all the wrong reasons. The interview session was held at the maximum security jail; as expected, the condition of the prison is colonial derelict and, with minimum maintenance over the years, now casts a sad look. Every building in the expansive vicinity is roofed with corrugated iron and in various advanced stages of rusty erosion. The central prison is encircled by a 9-foot-tall wall with various guard towers at intervals. The prison cantonment is set far from town in an undulating tropical rainforest with massive acreage where the inmates spend their hours tilling the land under the watchful guard of armed warders.   It is a dead place, and any visitor, like me, could sense the claustrophobic feeling and some noisome cloyi