It is Christmas and end year , it is the season of merry making and making fun, a season of good cheer and laughter, a season of soul searching for the spiritually inclined and also a season for many of us -of steady binge drinking and of crazy hangovers. While there may be private parties, most corporate firms like yours truly Asheena publishers also hold communal end year and Christmas office parties for the hard working staff. An end year party should not dare call itself a party unless the reverberations caused during the party last well into the following year. I mean, it is no party unless the consequences of the party fade well into the fourth month of the following year! My office – Asheena publishers- annual party is normally held two or three days before the Christmas party and ends –well- two or three months later... or even much, much later in the year depending on how long it takes the boss to remember who indeed made that practical joke on him during the par...